Welcome Centers in Germany - Local Support With Integrating

Updated on
October 4, 2022
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There are various official institutions, also called welcome centres, which provide local support to international professionals and their families when moving to Germany. These welcome centers in Germany can be found in every region and the majority also provide service to companies finding qualified professionals.

It is highly recommended to visit the welcome centre in your region so they can provide help with integrating faster. Help is provided in English. Generally, they can assist you with;

This is a complete list as of April 2020 of all welcome centres in Germany by region:


Welcome Center Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg & Hochrhein-Bodensee

Services provided:

  • Consultation service for employers on recruitment and integration of international qualified professionals for the regions of Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg and Hochrhein-Bodensee

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Welcome Center Sozialwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg

Services provided:

  • Consultation service for employers on recruitment and integration of international qualified professionals as well as apprentices from third countries for the social economy sector

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Welcome Center Technologie Region Karlsruhe

Services provided:

  • Initial consultation on living and working in the 'TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe
  • Events for employers (KMU), international qualified professionals and students

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Welcome Center Rhein-Neckar

Services provided:

  • Initial consultation for international qualified professionals and students
  • Consultation service given by employers (KMU) about the regulations of immigration and residence as well as the integration of international qualified professionals in companies

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Welcome Center Heilbronn-Franken

Services provided:

  • Initial consultation for international qualified professionals and students in the 'Region Heilbronn-Franken'
  • Consultation for employers on recruitment and integration of international qualified professionals as well as apprentices for the region of Heilbronn-Franken

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Welcome Center Ulm/ Oberschwaben

Services provided:

  • Welcoming service for international qualified professionals, students and employers in the Ulm / Oberschwaben region

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Welcome Center Nordschwarzwald

Services provided:

  • Initial consultation for international qualified professionals and students as well as employers located in the area

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Welcome Center Region Stuttgart

Services provided:

  • Initial consultation and events in the Welcome Center Stuttgart for new residents and immigrants of the Stuttgart region.
  • Initial and individual consultation for employers on the recruitment of labor forces from abroad

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Willkommensbüro für internationale Studierende in Ostwürttemberg (WISO)

Services provided:

  • Networking of international students and companies in the area

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Willkommenzentrum Berlin

Services provided:

  • Initial orientation and support of recent immigrants after entering Berlin
  • Information consultation concerning living and working in Berlin

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Willkommensservice im Unternehmensservice Bremen

Services provided:

  • Welcome Center and consultation service for employers
  • Initial orientation for international qualified professionals and entrepreneur

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Hamburg Welcome Center

Services provided:

  • Service for new residents: Advice on your first steps in Hamburg
  • Residence issues: Registration and issue of residence permits
  • Vocational orientation and counselling on the recognition of foreign qualifications

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Welcome Center Hesse

Services provided:

  • Support for international professionals and their families arriving in Hesse.
  • Consultation service for international professionals and their families on working and living in Hesse
  • Support for regional companies in recruiting, hiring and sustainably integrating international professionals

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Welcome Center Region Rostock

Services provided:

  • Starting successfully in the Rostock region
  • Welcoming service for qualified professionals

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Welcome Center Vorpommern-Rügen

Services provided:

  • Initial and individual consultation on living and working in the area
  • Company service: Helping new employees in their search for housing, jobs for spouses, day-care centres for children

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Welcome Center Region Greifswald

Services provided:

  • Initial and individual consultation on living and working in the area
  • Company service: Helping new employees in their search for housing, jobs for spouses, day-care centres for children

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Welcome Center Mecklenburgische Seenplatte

Services provided:

  • Individual counseling on arriving and living in the Mecklenburg Lake Plateau District (welcome service for qualified professionals)
  • Corporate service: Supporting new employees in their search for accommodation, jobs for their partners, childcare facilities, leisure possibilities (sports clubs, etc.)

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Welcome Service Center Nordwestmecklenburg

Services provided:

  • Consulting for companies on the topics of recruiting and retaining skilled workers
  • Placement of support programmes
  • Events for professionals on working in the region
  • Placement of skilled workers in companies

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Welcome Center Stettiner Haff

Services provided:

  • Initial and individual consultation on living and working in the area
  • Company service: Helping new employees in their search for housing, jobs for spouses, day-care centres for children

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Welcome Center der Region SüdOstNiedersachsen

Services provided:

  • Welcome Center for international professionals and employers in the area

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Welcome Center Region Hildesheim

Services provided:

  • Advising regional small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the acquisition and retention of skilled workers
  • First point of contact for international specialists and executives and their families
  • First point of contact for trainees, prospective students, students and university graduates
  • Support for former Hildesheim residents who want to return

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Welcome Center der Ems-Achse

Services provided:

  • Information consulting for international professionals and companies in the region

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North Rhine-Westphalia


Services provided:

  • A web-portal for a (new) career start in the Ruhr region

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Welcome- und ServiceCenter Essen (WSC)

Services provided:

  • Consultation on the right of residence the issue of residence permits
  • Initial consultation for international qualified professionals

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Welcome Center IHK Koblenz

Services provided:

  • Consultation regarding immigration and residence matters of international qualified professionals
  • Support in job search and the recognition of foreign qualifications
  • Support of employers in the recruitment of international qualified professionals

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Welcome Center IHK Trier

Services provided:

  • Consultation on immigration and residence matters of international qualified professionals
  • Support in job search and the recognition of foreign qualifications
  • Support of employers in the recruitment of international qualified professionals

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Welcome Center IHK Pfalz

Services provided:

  • Consultation on immigration and residence matters of international qualified professionals
  • Support in job search and the recognition of foreign qualifications
  • Support of employers in the recruitment of international qualified professionals

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Welcome Center IHK Rheinhessen

Services provided:

  • Consultation on immigration and residence matters of international qualified professionals
  • Support in job search and the recognition of foreign qualifications
  • Support of employers in the recruitment of international qualified professionals  

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Welcome Center Erzgebirge

Services provided:

  • Welcome Center and initial orientation for international qualified professionals
  • Events for companies to secure skilled labor forces and networking opportunities

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Welcome Center Dresden

Services provided:

  • Consultation on the right of residence the issue of residence permits
  • Initial consultation for international qualified professionals

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Welcome Center Sachsen-Anhalt

Services provided:

  • Initial consultation concerning vocational orientation, accomodation, day-care centres
  • Supporting companies on the matter of family-friendly workplaces

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Thüringer Agentur Für Fachkräftegewinnung  (ThAFF)

Services provided:

  • Initial consultation on life and labour in Thüringen
  • Job search with the help of 'Thüringer Stellenbörse'
  • Networking for living and working in Thuringia

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